Monday, May 14, 2018

Interview with Brad Twigg of WrestleMassacre (Fuzzy Monkey Studios)

As soon as I saw the title and art for this film I tracked down Mr. Twigg.  How could I resist the call of a film such as WrestleMassacre?!  Running his own film company (Fuzzy Monkey Studios), Brad does what most of us can only dream of:  he makes movies he wants, and does it his own way.  From the man that brought you such classics as 2015's MILFs vs. Zombies, and with an IMDB showing everything from lighting and production design, to directing and acting, I got the chance to have Brad join me at the announcers' table to answer my questions and cut a promo for WrestleMassacre!

Thanks for taking the time to do this interview, Brad.  We're here today to talk about your upcoming film WrestleMassacre, so why don't you give our readers an idea of what this film is about.  Also, are you a wrestling fan yourself?
You're very welcome. WrestleMassacre follows Randy, an awkward groundskeeper who is obsessed with professional wrestling. Longing for a sense of belonging with grandiose dreams of becoming a wrestling superstar, Randy is only met with abject humiliation and alienation. A brutal shaming at a local wrestling school pushes Randy over the edge and lights the spark for his blood lust. Donned in wrestling gear and armed with homicidal rage, Randy sets out on a blood soaked rampage to punish those who wronged him. The only hope of putting an end to his reign of carnage lies with Becky, an understanding client who is one of the only few to ever show him kindness. I've been a wrestling fan since I was a kid and still enjoy watching it.

I'm a huge wrestling fan so I have to ask:  How did you get ECW legend, Mr. Blood Sweat and Beers himself, The Sandman (Jim Fullington) to be in this film?

One of the actors in the film is also a pro wrestler and happens to be friends with Jim. He asked him if he'd be interested in playing a role in the film and he was all for it. I think people will really enjoy his character and his trademark kendo stick makes an appearance. 

While checking out your IMDB in relation to WrestleMassacre I saw that not only did you write this film's story, but you're also producing, directing, and editing it.  With how busy your 2018 already looks on there, where do you find time get all of this done?

It's tough but I like to stay busy. Movies are my life so I always find time for them.

Your film company (Fuzzy Monkey Films) is based out of Martinsburg, WV.  Out of curiosity (and because I'm originally from the Western PA area)  do you find a lot of like-minded horror and independent film people there or do you end up getting a lot of awkward looks from neighbors as "that horror movie guy?"

Unfortunately there aren't a lot of actors or filmmakers in the area. Most of the people I work with come from surrounding states where there are much larger filmmaking communities.

Once WrestleMassacre is complete are you planning on hitting any film festivals with it?  I'm sure the New Orleans Horror Film Festival down here would love it.  Also, when and where will it be available to the public for people that need to have this for their collection (my copy will go between my blu-ray of Wrestlers Vs. Zombies and CM Punk DVD)?
I do plan to submit WrestleMassacre to film festivals. I don't have any specific ones in mind but hope to enter it into as many as possible. The limited edition DVD will be available from the Fuzzy Monkey Films website in August. 


Finally, is there anything else you'd like to mention?  Other projects, conventions you might be at, cut a promo talking smack on another company in your run for the title?

I'll be at Scares That Care Weekend in Williamsburg, VA August 3-5 as well as Monster Mania Con in Hunt Valley, MD September 28-30. We recently launched the Indiegogo campaign for my next film Shriekshow. It's going to be a crazy flick with tons of atmosphere and some really creepy characters. Thanks for the interview.

WrestleMassacre will be coming out this August 2018.  Thanks again to Brad for doing this interview and feel free to click on the links to Shriekshow and Fuzzy Monkey Studios for info on his other past and future projects.  Also, if you need more convincing, here is the trailer for WrestleMassacre!

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