Monday, May 7, 2018

8th Cut : Final Cut : 270 Films Reviewed

Alright!  Two years down and 270 films watched and reviewed on this website!  Speaking of which, I'm looking into some way to index them on here, but slowly.  This is now my down time where I get to catch up on reading, video games, and watching things other than random horror movies.

With that in mind, I am going to do things a little bit different with this break.  I'm going to try to do at least one post a week, just to keep some fresh content on here during that time.  I'm set to do an interview with Brad Twigg (producer/director) of Wrestle Massacre.  That film is due to come out in the next few months and I couldn't pass up the chance to reach out to someone that's doing a wrestling horror film.  I'm going to also reach out to some other smaller films and try to get some interviews or screeners.

Speaking of that:  If you are making a film and would like me to give it the 30 Days of Plight treatment with a review, you can e-mail me at

For all other things, feel free to check our Twitter (30daysofplight) where I try to keep active on it.

Otherwise, thank you for being with us for these two years.  We'll be back to our normal reviews/mon-fri posting schedule on Monday, June 11th.  Until then, check for those once-a-week posts, and as always...

I'll be right back...

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